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A State of the Art Forecast Service for the GB and Ireland Power Sectors

Accurate forecasting is critical to success in the modern power sector. As the rise of renewables and new technology drives us closer to net-zero, their variability dominates an increasingly volatile and challenging market. Amira Technologies has spent years mastering these effects and developing the tools energy businesses need to succeed.


Amira utilises the latest in AI and Machine Learning to optimise forecast outcomes and ensure our models evolve with the ever changing energy landscape. We focus on forecasting the key drivers of the power market:


  • Demand

  • Wind Generation

  • Solar PV Generation

  • Net Imbalance Volume

  • Interconnector Flow

  • Power Prices

Our PowerPlus online dashboard and API provides client access to our forecasts. It also presents a clear and concise electricity market overview, pulling out all the essential metrics needed to navigate the modern energy market. 


Whether you manage generation assets, have a supply portfolio or are trading power our tools can give you that all important edge. We are confident in our tools and offer prospective clients a free 30 day trial. Why not find out more or sign-up to a 30 day free trial:



Amira Technologies is a data science consultancy dedicated to the GB and Ireland power sectors. We formed in 2017 with an objective to bring cutting-edge technology to the sector in a reliable but affordable package. We have developed our services with that in mind, ensuring that we benefit from tried and tested forecasting methods whilst applying the latest in mathematical techniques and optimisation. 


We take pride in our work and strive to be the best at what we do. Our models and systems are maintained to the highest technical standards; accuracy is monitored and models are developed and optimised through a continuous improvement framework. This ensures we maintain market leading performance.


Whatever your role in the industry, whether your business is electricity supply or generation, network operation or trading, we can help you gain that all important competitive advantage. 



The power sector is an increasingly competitive market and having accurate forecasts can give companies that much needed competitive advantage. We pride ourselves in being the best at what we do and have been proven time and time again to out-perform our competitors. Here's how we compare to the GB and Ireland System Operators over the last year for some of our core products...


Performance metrics shown are for the 12 months up to October 2024

We're confident in our ability and that's why we offer all prospective clients a free no-obligation trial of any service we provide. We'll also provide as much historic forecast data (not model data!) as you need to convince you and train your own systems.


Contact us today to start your live trial, or sign up right now via our dashboard: PowerPlus




Our forecasts are used across the power sector and most notably in GB by the operational control rooms for National Grid ESO and for Uniper where they are utilised to inform generation dispatch decisions.




For any enquiries or questions please email: or fill out the following form:

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