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Market Data API
All our forecast data is available to clients via a highly reliable and user friendly API. All our forecasts are updated at least every 30 minutes and the API is the quickest way of receiving our data.
All our parameters along with the definitions are detailed below. Please contact us if you would like to know or have any questions.
Country | Header | Service | Title | Definition | Source |
gb | AD_MW | demand | Adjusted Demand | A measure of the true GB electricity demand accounting for generation which is embedded in the distribution networks and not metered by the Transmission System Operator. This includes the effects of solar, wind and non-renewable peak generation. AD_MW = ND_MW + EmbSPV_MW + EmbWind_MW + EmbNR_MW | AMIRA |
gb | ADF_MW | demand | Adjusted Demand Forecast | Amira's own forecast of Adjusted Demand. | AMIRA |
gb | DFS_MW | demand | Demand Flexibility Service | The volume of demand supression requested or provided through the National Grid demand fleixibility service. | AMIRA |
gb | EmbNR_MW | demand | Embedded Non-renewable | Amira's own estimate of non-renewable embedded generation over evening peak; this is modelled using historic metered data and applies over the winter period only. | AMIRA |
gb | EmbNRF_incl_bl_MW | demand | Embedded Non-renewable Forecast incl Base Load | Amira's own forecast of Embedded Non-renewable generation including the effect of stable Base Load type generators. | AMIRA |
gb | EmbNRF_MW | demand | Embedded Non-renewable Forecast | Amira's own forecast of Embedded Non-renewable. | AMIRA |
gb | EmbSPV_MW | demand | Embedded Solar | An estimate of the total generation relating to small to medium scale solar photovoltaic. Sites are typically small and embedded in the distribution system. They therefore do not have transmission system metering and the generation must be estimated to enable short-term trading and network operations. | PV_Live |
gb | EmbSPVF_bmrs_MW | demand | BMRS Embedded Solar Forecast | National Grid ESO's forecast of Embedded Solar. | National Grid |
gb | EmbSPVF_MW | demand | Embedded Solar Forecast | Amira's own forecast of Embedded Solar. | AMIRA |
gb | LCM_MW | demand | Local Constraint Management | Provision for any activated volume for Local Constraint management. Currently not populated and awaiting data from National Grid. | National Grid |
gb | ND_MW | demand | National Demand | The total demand of GB electricity consumers and equivalent to INDO from BMRS. This is provided as an average MW over a half hour. It is a generation requirement, metered at the point of generation and is based on transmission metered generators. However, as it is intended as a GB electricity demand; it does not include demand relating to station load, interconnector exports or pump storage pumping. | BMRS |
gb | NDF_bmrs_MW | demand | BMRS National Demand Forecast | National Grid ESO's forecast of National Demand. | BMRS |
gb | NDF_MW | demand | National Demand Forecast | Amira's own forecast of National Demand. Statistically derived p50 and p95 confidence intervals are also provided. | AMIRA |
gb | NON_BM_BOA_MW | demand | Non-BM BOA | Provision for any BOAs for non-Transmission System metered generators. Currently not populated and awaiting data from National Grid. | National Grid |
gb | NON_BM_fast_reserve_MW | demand | Non-BM Fast Reserve | Activated Fast Reserve volume for non-Transmission System metered generators. | National Grid |
gb | NON_BM_stor_MW | demand | Non-BM Stor | Activated STOR volume for non-Transmission System metered generators. | National Grid |
gb | ODFM_MW | demand | Optional Downward Flexibility Management | ODFM was introduced by National Grid ESO as a mechanism to manage low demand during the Covid lockdowns of 2020. It allowed the ESO to increase demand by calling on embedded generators to switch off over low demand periods. The field is maintained for legacy but is not expected to be used again. | National Grid |
gb | TSD_MW | demand | Transmission System Demand | The total demand of the transmission system and equivalent to ITSDO from BMRS. This includes demand due to station load, interconnector exports and pump storage pumping. TSD is provided as an average MW over a half hour. TSD is a sum of metered generation and includes interconnector imports. It is metered at the point of generation and therefore is before any losses have occurred. It includes all Transmission System Metered generators; a list of which is provided on National Grid’s website. | BMRS |
gb | TSD_MWh | demand | Transmission System Demand (MWh) | As for TSD_MW but provided in MWh. | BMRS |
gb | TSDF_bmrs_MW | demand | BMRS Transmission System Demand Forecast | National Grid ESO's forecast of Transmission System Demand. | BMRS |
gb | TSDF_bmrs_MWh | demand | BMRS Transmission System Demand Forecast (MWh) | As for TSDF_bmrs_MW but provided in MWh. | BMRS |
gb | TSDF_MW | demand | Transmission System Demand Forecast | A half hourly forecast of transmission system demand with probabilistic bands at the 50th and 95th percentile. | AMIRA |
gb | TSDF_MWh | demand | Transmission System Demand Forecast (MWh) | As forTSDF_MW but provided in MWh. | AMIRA |
gb | NDF_ecmwf_MW | demand-ens | National Demand Forecast (ECMWF) | Amira's own forecast of National Demand based on ECMWF weather data source | AMIRA |
gb | NDF_gfs_MW | demand-ens | National Demand Forecast (GFS) | Amira's own forecast of National Demand based on GFS weather data source | AMIRA |
gb | NDF_ukmo_MW | demand-ens | National Demand Forecast (UKMO) | Amira's own forecast of National Demand based on UK Met Office weather data source | AMIRA |
gb | EmbWind_MW | demand, wind | Embedded Wind | Amira's own estimate of the total generation relating to small to medium scale wind. As with solar generation, some wind sites are also too small to have transmission system metering installed. For these sites, an estimate of the generation is derived using an in-house weather based nowcast model. | AMIRA |
gb | EmbWindF_bmrs_MW | demand, wind | BMRS Embedded Wind Forecast | National Grid ESO's forecast of Embedded Wind | National Grid |
gb | EmbWindF_MW | demand, wind | Embedded Wind Forecast | Amira's own forecast of embedded wind generation. | AMIRA |
gb | BIOMASS_MW | fuel-availability | Biomass Availability | Aggregated REMIT & OC2 availability for Biomass BM Units | BMRS |
gb | CCGT_MW | fuel-availability | CCGT Availability | Aggregated REMIT & OC2 availability for CCGT BM Units | BMRS |
gb | COAL_MW | fuel-availability | Coal Availability | Aggregated REMIT & OC2 availability for Coal BM Units | BMRS |
gb | NPSHYD_MW | fuel-availability | Non-Pump Storage Hydro Availability | Aggregated REMIT & OC2 availability for Non-pump Storage Hydro BM Units | BMRS |
gb | NUCLEAR_MW | fuel-availability | Nuclear Availability | Aggregated REMIT & OC2 availability for Nuclear BM Units | BMRS |
gb | OCGT_MW | fuel-availability | OCGT Availability | Aggregated REMIT & OC2 availability for OCGT BM Units | BMRS |
gb | BE_price_pressure_EUR | interconnectors | Belgium Price Pressure | The market power price difference in EURO between GB and Belgium based on latest available EPEX data. The field is derived using Day-ahead and Intraday auction data as well as recent trades in the Continuous market. A +ive value indicates a higher price in GB than in Belgium and a likely import into GB. | AMIRA |
gb | BRITNED_F_MW | interconnectors | BritNed Interconnector forecast | Amira's own forecast of BritNed flow. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. Where a price difference exists upper and lower bands are provided to indicate the available capacity on the respective interconnector; either following the result of a relevant intraday capacity auction or for longer lead times based on remit availability. | AMIRA |
gb | BRITNED_MW | interconnectors | BritNed Interconnector Flow | Metered flow on the BritNed interconnector. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | BMRS |
gb | BRITNED_nom_DA_MW | interconnectors | BritNed Interconnector Day-Ahead Nominated Flow | The nominated flow on BrtiNed as at the Day-Ahead auction stage. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | BRITNED_nom_MW | interconnectors | BritNed Interconnector Nominated Flow | The latest nominated flow on BrtiNed. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | CE_total_F_MW | interconnectors | Continental Europe Net forecast | Amira's own forecast of total net flow from Continental Europe. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. Upper and lower bands are provided to indicate the total available capacity in respect of interconnectors where a price difference exists. | AMIRA |
gb | CE_total_MW | interconnectors | Continental Europe Net Flow | The total net flow from interconnectors between contentintal Europe and GB (IFA_MW + IFA2_MW + ELEC_MW + BRITNED_MW + NEMO_MW + NSL_MW). Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | BMRS |
gb | CE_total_nom_DA_MW | interconnectors | Continental Europe Net Day-Ahead Nominated Flow | The total net nominated flow to Continental Europe as at the Day-Ahead auction stage. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | CE_total_nom_MW | interconnectors | Continental Europe Net Nominated Flow | The latest total net nominated flow to Continental Europe. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | ELEC_F_MW | interconnectors | ElecLink Interconnector forecast | Amira's own forecast of ElecLink flow. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. Where a price difference exists upper and lower bands are provided to indicate the available capacity on the respective interconnector; either following the result of a relevant intraday capacity auction or for longer lead times based on remit availability. | AMIRA |
gb | ELEC_MW | interconnectors | ElecLink Interconnector Flow | Metered flow on the ElecLink interconnector. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | BMRS |
gb | ELEC_nom_DA_MW | interconnectors | ElecLink Interconnector Day-Ahead Nominated Flow | The nominated flow on ElecLink as at the Day-Ahead auction stage. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | ELEC_nom_MW | interconnectors | ElecLink Interconnector Nominated Flow | The latest nominated flow on ElecLink. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | EW_MW | interconnectors | East-West Interconnector Outturn Flow | The Irish interconnector, a 500 MW HVDC connection between Republic of Ireland and Wales. Positive values are flows into GB. | BMRS |
gb | EW_nom_MW | interconnectors | East-West Interconnector Nominated Flow. | The East-West nominted flow. Positive values are flows into GB. | SEMO |
gb | FR_price_pressure_EUR | interconnectors | France Price Pressure | The market power price difference in EURO between GB and France based on latest available EPEX data. The field is derived using Day-ahead and Intraday auction data as well as recent trades in the Continuous market. A +ive value indicates a higher price in GB than in France and a likely import into GB. | AMIRA |
gb | GRNL_MW | interconnectors | Greenlink Interconnector Outturn Flow | Greenlink is a 190 km long 500 MW high-voltage direct current (HVDC) submarine power cable under construction between County Wexford in Ireland and Pembrokeshire in Wales. Positive values are flows into GB. | BMRS |
gb | GRNL_nom_MW | interconnectors | Greenlink Interconnector Nominated Flow | Nominated flow on the Greenlink interconnector. Positive values are flows into GB. | SEMO |
gb | IFA_F_MW | interconnectors | IFA Interconnector forecast | Amira's own forecast of IFA flow. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. Where a price difference exists upper and lower bands are provided to indicate the available capacity on the respective interconnector; either following the result of a relevant intraday capacity auction or for longer lead times based on remit availability. | AMIRA |
gb | IFA_MW | interconnectors | IFA Interconnector Flow | Metered flow on the IFA interconnector. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | BMRS |
gb | IFA_nom_DA_MW | interconnectors | IFA Interconnector Day-Ahead Nominated Flow | The nominated flow on IFA as at the Day-Ahead auction stage. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | IFA_nom_MW | interconnectors | IFA Interconnector Nominated Flow | The latest nominated flow on IFA. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | IFA2_F_MW | interconnectors | IFA2 Interconnector forecast | Amira's own forecast of IFA2 flow. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. Where a price difference exists upper and lower bands are provided to indicate the available capacity on the respective interconnector; either following the result of a relevant intraday capacity auction or for longer lead times based on remit availability. | AMIRA |
gb | IFA2_MW | interconnectors | IFA2 Interconnector Flow | Metered flow on the IFA2 interconnector. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | BMRS |
gb | IFA2_nom_DA_MW | interconnectors | IFA2 Interconnector Day-Ahead Nominated Flow | The nominated flow on IFA2 as at the Day-Ahead auction stage. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | IFA2_nom_MW | interconnectors | IFA2 Interconnector Nominated Flow | The latest nominated flow on IFA2. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | IRL_total_MW | interconnectors | Total Ireland Interconnector Outturn Flow | The sum total interconnectors with Ireland and Great Britain. EW_MW + MOYLE_MW. Positive values are flows into GB. | BMRS |
gb | MOYLE_MW | interconnectors | Moyle Interconnector Outturn Flow | The Northern Ireland interconnector, a 500 MW HVDC connection between Scotland and Northern Ireland. Positive values are flows into GB. | BMRS |
gb | MOYLE_nom_MW | interconnectors | Moyle Interconnector Nominated Flow. | The Moyle nominted flow. Positive values are flows into GB. | SEMO |
gb | NEMO_F_MW | interconnectors | NEMO Interconnector forecast | Amira's own forecast of NEMO flow. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. Where a price difference exists upper and lower bands are provided to indicate the available capacity on the respective interconnector; either following the result of a relevant intraday capacity auction or for longer lead times based on remit availability. | AMIRA |
gb | NEMO_MW | interconnectors | NEMO Interconnector Flow | Metered flow on the NEMO interconnector. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | BMRS |
gb | NEMO_nom_DA_MW | interconnectors | NEMO Interconnector Day-Ahead Nominated Flow | The nominated flow on NEMO as at the Day-Ahead auction stage. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | NEMO_nom_MW | interconnectors | NEMO Interconnector Nominated Flow | The latest nominated flow on NEMO. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | NL_price_pressure_EUR | interconnectors | Netherlands Price Pressure | The market power price difference in EURO between GB and Netherlands based on latest available EPEX data. The field is derived using Day-ahead and Intraday auction data as well as recent trades in the Continuous market. A +ive value indicates a higher price in GB than in Netherlands and a likely import into GB. | AMIRA |
gb | NSL_F_MW | interconnectors | NSL Interconnector forecast | Amira's own forecast of NSL flow. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. Where a price difference exists upper and lower bands are provided to indicate the available capacity on the respective interconnector; either following the result of a relevant intraday capacity auction or for longer lead times based on remit availability. | AMIRA |
gb | NSL_MW | interconnectors | NSL Interconnector Flow | Metered flow on the NSL interconnector. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | BMRS |
gb | NSL_nom_DA_MW | interconnectors | NSL Interconnector Day-Ahead Nominated Flow | The nominated flow on NSL as at the Day-Ahead auction stage. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | NSL_nom_MW | interconnectors | NSL Interconnector Nominated Flow | The latest nominated flow on NSL. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | VKL_F_MW | interconnectors | VKL Interconnector forecast | Amira's own forecast of Viking Link flow. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. Where a price difference exists upper and lower bands are provided to indicate the available capacity on the respective interconnector; either following the result of a relevant intraday capacity auction or for longer lead times based on remit availability. | AMIRA |
gb | VKL_MW | interconnectors | VKL Interconnector Flow | Metered flow on the Viking Link interconnector. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | BMRS |
gb | VKL_nom_DA_MW | interconnectors | VKL Interconnector Day-Ahead Nominated Flow | The nominated flow on Viking Link as at the Day-Ahead auction stage. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | VKL_nom_MW | interconnectors | VKL Interconnector Nominated Flow | The latest nominated flow on Viking Link. Positive values indicate a flow into GB. | ENTSOE |
gb | ImbP | niv | Imbalance Price | Imbalance prices are applied to a BSC Party in respect of their energy surplus or deficit for a given settlement period. | BMRS |
gb | ImbPF | niv | Imbalance Price Forecast | Imbalance price forecast with probabilistic bands at the 50th and 95th percentile. | AMIRA |
gb | NIV_MWh | niv | Net Imbalance Volume | Net energy position of the Transmission System at gate closure in MWh. Note that a positive value indicates that the system is short, i.e. there is more demand than generation. | BMRS |
gb | NIVF_MWh | niv | Net Imbalance Volume Forecast | A short term NIV forecast with probabilistic bands at the 50th and 95th percentile. | AMIRA |
gb | DA1_EPEX_GBP_MWh | prices-da | DA1 | Results from EPEX's Day-ahead 1 auction as takes place daily at 09:20 GMT. This is calculated as a volume weighted average price per hour. | EPEX |
gb | DA1F_GBP_MWh | prices-da | DA1 Forecast | Amira's own forecast of the EPEX Day-ahead 1 auction results. Updated each half hour. Forecast range extends to +13 days ahead. | AMIRA |
gb | DA2_EPEX_GBP_MWh | prices-da | DA2 | Results from EPEX's Day-ahead 2 auction as takes place daily at 15:30 GMT. This is calculated as a volume weighted average price per half hour. | EPEX |
gb | DA2F_GBP_MWh | prices-da | DA2 Forecast | Amira's own forecast of the EPEX Day-ahead 2 auction results. Updated each half hour. Forecast range extends to +13 days ahead. | AMIRA |
gb | IDCont_EPEX_LATEST_GBP_MWh | prices-ida | Continuous Latest | The latest available power market price on the EPEX Continuous Intraday. This is calculated as a volume weighted average price per half hour and is based on all executed trades for that half hour. A liquidity threshold of 100MWh is used to establish when a critical volume of trades has been executed for a given half hour. Note that transactions on the Continuous Intraday are delayed by approximately 30 minutes before being included in this calculation. | EPEX |
gb | IDContF_GBP_MWh | prices-ida | Continuous Forecast | Amira's own forecast of the EPEX Continuous Intraday Outturn. Updated each half hour. | AMIRA |
gb | net_non_renewable_MW | residual-load | Net Non-renewable Demand | Net GB Demand after accounting for Large Scale Wind. Net Non Renewable = GB National Demand + Station Load – Transmission Metered Wind | AMIRA |
gb | residual_load_excl_ireland_adj_MW | residual-load | Residual Load Excluding Ireland Adjusted | Equivalent to Residual Load excluding Ireland but adjusted for AMIRA's own forecast of interconnector flows | AMIRA |
gb | residual_load_excl_ireland_MW | residual-load | Residual Load Excluding Ireland | Residual Load excluding the effect of Irish interconnectors | AMIRA |
gb | residual_load_exlc_ireland_bmrs_MW | residual-load | BMRS Residual Load Excluding Ireland | BMRS equivalent of Residual Load excluding the effect of Irish interconnectors. | BMRS |
gb | residual_load_MW | residual-load | Residual Load | Residual Load is an indicator of the electricity demand that needs to be met by GB’s non-wind generation fleet. Residual Load = GB National Demand + Station Load – Transmission Metered Wind – Net Interconnector Import. For the Net Interconnector Flow AMIRA utilise the latest Nomination data available from ENTSOE and ISEM. | AMIRA |
gb | EmbSPVF_ecmwf_MW | solar-ens | Embedded Solar Forecast (ECMWF) | Amira's own forecast of Embedded Solar based on ECMWF weather data source | AMIRA |
gb | EmbSPVF_gfs_MW | solar-ens | Embedded Solar Forecast (GFS) | Amira's own forecast of Embedded Solar based on GFS weather data source | AMIRA |
gb | EmbSPVF_ukmo_MW | solar-ens | Embedded Solar Forecast (UKMO) | Amira's own forecast of Embedded Solar based on UK Met Office weather data source | AMIRA |
gb | LSW_bmrs_MW | wind | BMRS Large Scale Wind Forecast | National Grid ESO's forecast of Large Scale Wind. | BMRS |
gb | LSW_BOA_MW | wind | Large Scale Wind BOA Volume | A half hourly estimation of total wind curtailment actions within the balancing mechanism. | BMRS |
gb | LSW_MW | wind | Large Scale Wind Outturn | The total generation of GB large scale wind farms unrestricted from Price and Balancing Mechanism curtailment. | AMIRA |
gb | LSW_price_curtailment_MW | wind | Large Scale Wind Price Curtailment | A half hourly estimation of price curtailment of wind farms due to CFD negative price provision. | AMIRA |
gb | LSW_restricted_MW | wind | Large Scale Wind Restricted Outturn | This is the raw metered generation from GB large scale wind farms as published by BMRS. It is a total net generation after accounting for the impact of balancing actions and price curtailment. | BMRS |
gb | LSWF_MW | wind | Large Scale Wind Forecast | Amira's own forecast of large scale wind generation with probabilistic bands at the 50th and 95th percentile. | AMIRA |
gb | LSWF_restricted_MW | wind | Large Scale Wind Restricted Forecast | Amira's own forecast of large scale wind generation after curtailment has been taken into account. | AMIRA |
gb | LSWF_ecmwf_MW | wind-ens | Large Scale Wind Forecast (ECMWF) | Amira's own forecast of large scale wind based on ECMWF weather data source | AMIRA |
gb | LSWF_gfs_MW | wind-ens | Large Scale Wind Forecast (GFS) | Amira's own forecast of large scale wind based on GFS weather data source | AMIRA |
gb | LSWF_ukmo_MW | wind-ens | Large Scale Wind Forecast (UKMO) | Amira's own forecast of large scale wind based on UK Met Office weather data source | AMIRA |
gb | LSWF_raw_ecmwf_MW | wind-raw | Large Scale Wind Forecast Raw (ECMWF) | Amira's own forecast of large scale wind based on ECMWF weather data source and prior to the application of any statistical adjustments for short-term optimisation | AMIRA |
gb | LSWF_raw_gfs_MW | wind-raw | Large Scale Wind Forecast Raw (GFS) | Amira's own forecast of large scale wind based on GFS weather data source and prior to the application of any statistical adjustments for short-term optimisation | AMIRA |
gb | LSWF_raw_MW | wind-raw | Large Scale Wind Forecast Raw | Amira's own forecast of large scale wind prior to the application of any statistical adjustments for short-term optimisation | AMIRA |
gb | LSWF_raw_ukmo_MW | wind-raw | Large Scale Wind Forecast Raw (UKMO) | Amira's own forecast of large scale wind based on UK Met Office weather data source and prior to the application of any statistical adjustments for short-term optimisation | AMIRA |
irl | AllIslandDemand_Mean_MW | demand-mean | Mean All Island Demand | The combined total demand of Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland consumers as an average value across the half hour. Outturn reflects the average of the three 15 minutely spot demands within each half hour. | EirGrid |
irl | AllIslandDemand_MeanF_MW | demand-mean | Mean All Island Demand Forecast | Amira's own forecast of Mean All Island Demand. | AMIRA |
irl | AllIslandDemand_Spot_MW | demand-spot | All Island Demand | The combined total demand of Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland consumers as a spot value. | EirGrid |
irl | AllIslandDemand_SpotF_EirGrid_MW | demand-spot | EirGrid All Island Demand Forecast | EirGrid's forecast of All Island Demand. | EirGrid |
irl | AllIslandDemand_SpotF_Ensemble_MW | demand-spot | Ensemble All Island Demand Forecast | An optimised ensemble forecast of All Island Demand that combines the Amira and EirGrid forecasts. | AMIRA |
irl | AllIslandDemand_SpotF_MW | demand-spot | All Island Demand Forecast | Amira's own forecast of All Island Demand including probabilistic bands at the 50th and 95th percentile. | AMIRA |
irl | AllIslandWind_curtailment_MW | wind | All Island Wind Curtailment | An estimate of wind curtailment based on EirGrid dispatch instructions. | AMIRA |
irl | AllIslandWind_MW | wind | All Island Wind | The combined total wind generation of Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland as a spot value and unrestricted from curtailment actions. | AMIRA |
irl | AllIslandWind_restricted_MW | wind | All Island Wind Restricted | The combined total wind generation of Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland as a spot value and net of curtailment actions. | EirGrid |
irl | AllIslandWindF_EirGrid_MW | wind | EirGrid All Island Wind Forecast | EirGrid's forecast of All Island Wind. | EirGrid |
irl | AllIslandWindF_Ensemble_MW | wind | Ensemble All Island Wind Forecast | An optimised ensemble forecast of All Island Wind that combines the Amira and EirGrid forecasts. | AMIRA |
irl | AllIslandWindF_MW | wind | All Island Wind Forecast | Amira's own forecast of All Island Wind including probabilistic bands at the 50th and 95th percentile. | AMIRA |
irl | AllIslandWindF_restricted_MW | wind | All Island Wind Restricted Forecast | Amira's own forecast of All Island Wind Restricted. | AMIRA |
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